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CVS - Simplifying a Workflow for Stakeholder Engagement
Reorganizing a complicated workflow to present to Stakeholders and gain their approval for new initiatives.
Senior UX Researcher, UX Designer, Stakeholders
Figma, Adobe Photoshop
1 day


CVS was working on updating their point-of-sale system. A Senior UX Researcher put together an original workflow to show notes from discussions of the new system.

Role + Impact

My task was to simplify the original workflow so stakeholders could easily understand the proposed process and give their approval to move forward with the changes.
Not doing so would mean stakeholders would not approve changes to the point-of-sale-system, impacting the customer’s experience and falling behind competition.

Original Workflow

Workflow Chart provided by Senior UX Designer
Workflow provided by Sr. UX Researcher
The original workflow was confusing and lacked a clear direction. After learning more about the proposed process, I simplified the workflow chart.

Simplified Workflow

Revised Workflow Chart
Revised Workflow
I wanted to keep all of the original details to share with stakeholders while creating an easily understood version. This simplified version also allows for designers to add additional details as the project evolves.
⟵ University of Phoenix Envision Decor ⟶